Post-Surgery Update

It’s Sunday afternoon now… things have slowed down here. My parents just left and it’s me and Sunday football. Time to reflect on the whirlwind week I’ve had and where I am.

Surgery from all indications went well. Thursday morning I’m sending out thank you texts to all who are wishing me well. Next, I’m waking up from surgery feeling like I took a nice nap. Of course, a lot for me has changed in that 4-hour period. I inspect my abdomen and recognize the incisions, 6 in all, and I feel the dull pain of the work they did. Whose life is this now? And what’s happening to me I still can’t get a grip on the situation.

I reach for my phone and start fielding texts and calls from those still wishing me well. Somehow this picture seemed appropriate to send to friends and family…

It took some time to come off of the anesthesia. To adjust to my catheter. To work out how to get up from the bed. Four days later I have the dull pains, but a couple of Tylenol keeps me balanced and I feel myself owning my body once more.

The friends and family have been a godsend. First and foremost, what a blessing I have both my parents here to help me cope with my situation. They came the Tuesday before and stayed until lunch time today. My dad 86 and my mom 80 there to support me and my broken body. Ironic in some way and a blessing in others. Friends and family have come through the weekend to provide me support from my nephew who has been a standard staple in my home since I learned my predicament. To my brother-in-law and his wife who met us at the hospital the day after with my parents to take me home.

All along my wife, my rock. She keeps telling me I’m the rock, but I keep responding I’m the broken rock. She’s been my nurse literally and how I’m glad in some ways I’m dealing with this and not her. How would I be able to support her the way she supports me.

Thank you all for your love and support these past days. The gift baskets and deliveries. The texts and phone calls. They have meant the world to us and truly we appreciate the love.


About Charles Fedderwitz

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