Hurdle, RALP

1 Week Post-Surgery Update

It’s 5:30 in the morning. I’ve already been up for at least an hour. Sleep comes in spurts. Thankfully I haven’t needed to take anything to deal with my insomnia. Even though my sleep is sporadic I’ve been able to relax and sleep in chunks throughout the day. I’m scheduled to take two weeks off of work but I’m wondering If I’ll feel ready to go back after next week. My insomnia is mainly due to the catheter. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable it is having a tube stuck up your penis attached to a bag that you have to drag around. Not my proudest moment. I’ve heard of others who’ve attached a port through their abdomen. It’s called a Suprapubic Tube which connects directly to the bladder. They say one of the best benefits here is reducing discomfort when sleeping.

So what else am I dealing with? Soreness really. After a week I’m much more nimble for sure. Earlier in the week I crept around the house careful of sudden movements. Now I’m careful to get up or sit down, but I’m able to walk at a good pace even with the catheter in. I ventured out of the house a couple of times with shorts on to the store and restaurant with my wife. I doubled up my strapped-on urine bag against my leg so it was unseen.

The truth is I can’t believe it’s Thursday already but I’m ready to get this thing out and deal with my next hurdle (#2): My level of incontinence, impotence and cancer due to the surgery. The cancer I’ll talk about no doubt. The other two I’m not sure how much I’ll get into here :), but I’m hoping for the best on both of those subjects.

On a lighter note, it was nice being visited by my nephews yesterday, one came for breakfast and to take care of our pool and the other came for dinner and a movie. The love and support has been greatly appreciated and most welcomed. We also received a care package from my work. It contained fruits and candies. For some reason I was surprised but very grateful for.


About Charles Fedderwitz

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