Diet, Hurdle, Support Group

No Limbo for Love

It’s been two weeks. A lot has happened, but in some ways it also feels like nothings happened. So what’s happened? Life, work and family. It’s been a great two weeks just living life as I had before. I say that because it’s easy to forget what I’m dealing with and what has happened to me and fall into my old routine of life. I can’t do that. For me that would be like going backwards or living in limbo. It’s easy to focus on the things of the past. I can’t afford that luxury anymore. I need to keep my urgency for the sake of life and the ones I love.

What has changed? I’ve been intermittent fasting since this whole ordeal has started. Since then I’ve dropped 20 pounds. I started running again and I’m back to running my daily loop. Now, it’s time to turn things up. I can’t fall back into limbo. I need to increase people’s awareness to this disease. I need to make all of this I’m dealing with mean something not only to me but to others. Awareness, involvement and commitment to making a difference for someone else.

What else do I need to do? I’m committed to extending this platform to others. I also want to find a support group in South Florida of others dealing with prostate cancer. My diet is also sporadic. I’ve become accustom to fasting but I still don’t have a good diet worked out. It’s time to focus some time and effort on these items. To learn something about my situation that I can extend to others.

Lastly but certainly not least, I had some great news today. Hurdle #3 has come and gone. I had my blood sample taken this past Wednesday. I received my results tonight. My PSA is less than 0.02. Essentially this means any sign of prostate cancer in my body is undetectable, right now. Great news, but I can’t stop here. I can’t get complacent. No Limbo for the ones I love or for me.


About Charles Fedderwitz

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