Here is another orchid variety we picked up on my birthday from Soroa Orchids. This plant was $25 dollars. My wife liked the purple variety that was being sold at Bamboo Orchid Gardens in Davie, but it looked like that was rampant at every place we visited so I wanted a different color. Come to find out this orchid is called a Spathoglottis, and ours looks to be the Spathoglottis kimballiana variety. I found more information about these ground orchids here. I wanted to add these to a terrarium so I included the aloe plant and variegated ground plant pictured below. The first spike of flowers to the right died off. The plant endured the rains and winds of Hurricane Helene and I believe that’s why we lost the first set of flowers and also why the leaves look a bit worn. We’ll see how this arrangement holds up in the coming months.