Orchid Corner

My wife and I have owned orchids our whole adult life. We would receive them as presents or pick one up here and there from the store when it suited us. Once the flowers were lost we’d put it outside, attach it to a tree, in a semi-shaded area, hoping the best for it as we neglected it and let it do it’s thing. Interestingly enough they always seemed to do well and they’d reward us with little sweet flower surprises. When they arrived, it was always a welcomed treat.

Since finding out I have cancer, I’ve made a point to finish those to dos around the house that have been neglected. One of them was our back patio area. The past year and a half I’ve completely renovated that spot and I have made it my little orchid oasis. Since then, I’ve collected over 60 different species and varieties of orchids. This page will be my attempt to maintain and document my trials and tribulations for each. Wish me luck! 🙂